Jiahao Zhu bio photo





Greeting! Welcome to my website!

My name is Jiahao Zhu (朱 加昊). I am a research master majoring in Marketing at Sun Yat-sen University, China. My concentration is consumer behavior. I am extremely fortunate to be advised by Prof. Zengxiang Chen. If you want to find more details about me, here is my CV (last updated in May 2023).

I am trying to convert to psychology and pursue a Ph.D. program in psychology.

Research Interests

My broader research interests lie in the psychological formal model (Borsboom et al., 2021) and network psychometrics (for a brief review and discussion, see Borsboom, 2022).

In detail, my current research aims to construct a conceptual, even computational model of emotional dynamics in verbal expression, and develop a novel method to automatically analyze them from text data. The ultimate goal of this topic is to have a deeper understanding of why people express emotion and thus help people regulate their expression.

To express my research interests accurately, I would like to share one of my preferred studies (Dalege, Galesic, & Olsson, preprint). This particular paper proposed a formal model of intra- and inter-personal beliefs. The most attractive point is that it draws on statistical physics concepts like spin, energy, and temperature to depict belief systems and their dynamics. I hope that my future work will be like this paper.

I wish to explore the potential of psychological formal models and their practical implements on our well-being.

News and Updates

  • [TOP] I am actively applying for a remote research assistant position aligned with my research interests! Anyone who is seeking a competitive and self-motivated research assistant is welcome to contact me freely.
  • [May 2023] Happy to create this website! Special thanks to Hanlin for his detailed and generous tutorials and open-source documents.